Lately, I’ve felt a growing appreciation for art and self expression that doesn’t really aim for having much appeal to anyone. Dominique Pamplemousse is certainly that, a claymation musical point n click that’s about as uncompromising as it gets.

Everything about the presentation is rough. The characters and environments vary from kinda dumb to unsettling, and the singing (while cleverly integrated as part of natural dialogue) is super offkey and hard on the ears. It can be hard to sit through, but when Dominique is just trying to live their life and everyone else just wants to put them in the preconceived box of the gender binary, it really does hit home in a kinda unique way.

I didn’t enjoy this game, but I certainly won’t forget it.

I dunno, I might need to replay the other two, but I've always been of the opinion that Sly's gameplay style works best in this more linear, traditional level structure than the open ended and kinda barren places to explore in the sequels.

I definitely need more time to fully gather my thoughts on this but this will probably end up being one of my favorite games ever.

It’s an overwhelmingly personal and inspiring experience from front to back, and it makes me happy to be alive and in a world where art like this can be made.

The concept of a 3D platformer character with a long, sticky tongue is a pretty cute one, and the design of the chameleons, albeit not chameleon-like in any way, are honestly lovely. Unfortunately, this game only loses more and more of its charm as it goes along. The levels just get less fun and more confusing, they don’t compliment the controls at all.

The peak of frustration here is easily with the 5th stage. The idea is that you go through these small rooms completing isolated challenges as you inch along to the end. The problem is that these challenges are mostly either punishingly precise or literal guessing games. At least this stage has a really nice boss theme, definitely one of the more memorable tracks here.

This is a weird game to give a number score. It is absolutely rife with problems: the levels vary from uninteresting to dreadful, everyone but Modern Sonic ™️ feels clunky and awkward to control (that “classic” style gameplay is especially rough after the near perfection it had in Sonic Mania), and pretty much everything else is absolutely embarrassing.

But God, playing this with my friend while we were both just riffing on it and creating our own OC with an overly complex backstory and character arc that we just improv’d over the course of the game is an experience I’ll never forget, and if that kind of thing appeals to you, I really can’t recommend this enough.


Really good generally and very close to greatness, but a few lame puzzles and a sort of underwhelming endgame lessen the experience a bit for me. Still a really unique and fun take on the adventure game format.