Had a lovely time with this, super cozy and it’s really fun to mess around with raising digimon. The writing is at times corny but it’s always really charming and cute, feels like so much love was poured into this.

hits that sweet spot in Metroidvania design (for me) where it’s really intuitive but not overly handholdy. love the weird, clinical atmosphere of the planet and the emmi chases are some gooood suspense

Such a rare thing to see a game like this be given this kind of platform. It feels like the kind of thing that shouldn’t exist - something this artsy, strange, and evocative shouldn’t be in a AAA action game - but here it is. I definitely need to get into remedy entertainment’s other works

The little things in this game are what do it for me. All the weird little npc dialogue, the touches of personality it gives to random bypassers, the extremely lively and rich designs for the gym leaders (melony please call me).

I’ve got my pet peeves with it but a lot of the big complaints aren’t stuff that really get in the way of my enjoyment, and a lot of the newer ideas and concepts it brings out are ones I really like.

Very pretty and charming, not the deepest or most engrossing narrative but it’s such a comfy cozy game that I can really appreciate. will probably continue playing a lot of the post game stuff cuz I just love the battle system and experimenting with the different familiars and stuff.

Played the remastered version

Very fun times, has a lot of areas where it could have expanded itself (more focus on the other party members being the big one that I felt was missing), but it keeps things fairly simple and what’s there is executed very well. It’s a pure hearted love letter to shonen tournament arcs with fantastic character designs and quirky special abilities for its cast, the dodgeball gameplay is fun as hell and it’s just so likable. Nice game :)

gorgeous aesthetics, wonderful music, and a very fun platformer! the exploratory stuff is very well implemented and it’s super fun playing around with the new animal forms as you’re given them

The last leg of this starts throwing out all these weird obtuse gimmicks that definitely soured my experience near the end, but the game overall was still a really fun time.

Kinda goes without saying how great this is. I’m not too good at hitting shots myself lmao but the main gameplay loop is just a very fun and intuitive interpretation of baseball. Beyond that I love the attention to detail, every character has all these super smooth, lively hand drawn animations, unique theme songs, and distinct personalities and quirks that make them all fun and likable. I also love the casual approach it takes to positive diversity, it’s just a bunch of kids playing together regardless of race, gender, ability, etc., and their personalities aren’t all just stereotypes.

What I love most about Sonic Frontiers might be how little it backpedals from any of the stuff that people make fun of sonic for. It doesn’t just shut up and play the hits, it gives you its weirdest ideas and it’s most melodramatic theatrics from start to end. It’s hard to really articulate what the appeal of sonic is, what the point is and what it all means, but I think above all else sonic can be something really beautiful and freeing. It’s letting go of your inhibitions, to act more sincerely, to love more radically, to forget about all the little worries constantly holding you back because you don’t want to end up looking like a fool. It’s living without fear of expressing who you are, supporting the ones you care about, and celebrating the differences between you and everyone else you meet in this weird little life.

A game that starts pretty good but quickly becomes rather obnoxious, the big twist in the back half of the game takes out any of the fun elements from the first half.

And after finding out about the weird Jordan Peterson worship in some of the npc dialogue (that’s a real thing look it up) and the “did you just assume my gender” joke (which was patched out to be fair), any good will I had towards this pretty much evaporated. Can’t say I recommend it at all.

Fun game to play thru on weekends at home thru the Halloween season; chilling out with a good Metroidvania is just so damn cozy. It does do that thing where it gives you a billion weapons to play with when there’s maybe like 4 or 5 good ones but you know, it’s chill.


Played for class. Fun teaching tool, but not a lot to it.


A great game to chill out and de-stress with. It’s oddly therapeutic going thru this cutesy grayscale world and snapping pics.

I grew up in the Normal Boots era. As a kid living in the south, I didn’t really have many friends who shared my level of interest in video games, so videos like those where people talk about games with as much passion as I had meant a lot to me back then, and I watched a LOT of them. I’d scour all over youtube trying to find interesting or funny takes on retro games, no matter what level of quality they tended to be. I say all of this because I have watched downright countless videos about Bubsy 3D in my life time and heard countless people talk about how bad the controls are, trashing the game was practically a right of passage. I figured surely with that, I knew what I was getting into.

There is nothing that can prepare you for what it feels like to control Bubsy 3D. From the moment the first level starts after the painful MGS-length opening cutscene, it feels like nothing I’ve ever played in my life. It isn’t just the fact that it uses tank controls, it’s EVERYTHING. The game is infamous for its use of tank controls, and while there’s a reason they aren’t often used for 3D platformers, they aren’t a death sentence (see Croc, a similar game from the era which designed its levels to compliment the control scheme). The problem is that every aspect of the movement just, barely functions. Bubsy has this really clunky sense of momentum to his movement that just plain suuuucks, and the often cluttered level design makes it a huge problem. You’ll be accelerating too slow when you start to move and sliding too far when you stop. On top of this, there are several enemies who can’t be destroyed by jumping on them and move significantly faster than your base speed, so your two options are either going fast enough but barely being able to turn/maneuver yourself around them or having some kind of control over your direction but guaranteeing them to hit you. Hell, forget trying to get through any of the more challenging platforming sections, simply trying to maneuver yourself in order to grab a single one of the countless atoms spread around each level is a predicament all it’s own. It’s seriously insane, you’d be hard pressed to find a game with more alienating controls out there.

The funny thing is, as much as this game is absurdly frustrating, I can’t find it in myself to hate it. When I call this the worst game I’ve ever played, it’s meant with affection. It’s such a perfect storm of annoyance and confusion that I can’t help but love it. Bubsy’s big smug mouth spouting off nonsensical quips that lack punchlines, the wide and abstract hellscapes that make up each of the levels, or the nightmare clown music that makes up the soundtrack. No other game can inspire this kind of anger in me, this kind of determination. I couldn’t let the game beat me, and I kind of loving having a game make me feel that way.

Why are the game’s collectibles atoms? You’re on the planet of the woolies, the villains are named Polly and Esther, Bubsy is a cat, the entire plot is all about saving the world’s yarn, why are we collecting ATOMS and not yarn? Because it’s Bubsy 3D, that’s why. It’s like everything nonsensical about this game summed up in one minuscule detail. Playing this is like the game is bugs bunny and I am Elmer Fudd.

it’s not so lonely at the top
but I’d trade it all away just to say
“I love you” once again