7 reviews liked by Gengis_Chan

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Astounding game. Personally I'm not an RPG guy, but as soon as the game clicked for me (during the prison section) I was hooked and it actually sparked my interest in JRPGs. It doesn't have the annoying random encounters and, besides that, the dynamic style of the battles makes it a good RPG for starters in the genre.

There isn't much I can say about this game that hasn't been said already The music is great, the graphics are beautiful and the story is fantastic I don't think that there's much I can add to that so I'll talk about my favorite parts and my general experience with the game.

When I started playing I thought it was a usual JRPG so the battle style caught me off guard and it frustrated me at the beginning. I'm glad I didn't turn the game away because of my first impressions because as soon as I gave it a chance I was hooked.

I loved the frog arc, by far my favorite followed by the arc of the robot. Besides those the side quests were all good and fun to complete although some were a bit too cryptic. The black omen section at the end is also amazing.

There's only two things I didn't like in the game: first the race bit that I am so bad at. I didn't find it fun and was annoying as hell having to race just to check a room or two. Second is the final boss that was also a big challenge for me. I needed help from @Gengis_Chan because of the damn ultimate physical attack. But even though it was frustrating, it was fun and a bit nerve wrecking fight.

Even though I finished it I still feel like I need to spend more time with this game and I look forward to replay it in the years to come. It's not a very special game to me but I loved playing it and recommend to anyone interested.

The third Torment game, and the current Best CRPG Yet Made. Proves that you can make a gripping RPG that has zero combat, and The Detective hits the perfect sweet spot between "predefined character" and "blank slate player avatar". Enthralling and genuinely hilarious from start to finish. We'll be unpacking this one for decades.

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satan saves christmas

Like every Kojima game, every man either has slicked back hair or is balding. Or both.

I have such a deep hatred for this game, just seeing Rathalos was enough to give me an aneurysm, love the ones after this though.

Do not play this. DO NOT.

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