A good early 3D arena brawler that might not have the deepest mechanics or refined gameplay, but damn is it full of charm!

The character designs, the triumphant music that screams adventure (fitting the theme of the game perfectly), and the clobbering action is a real delight! I have faint memories of playing this at a friend's house that got a Dreamcast pretty early, and it made me so damn jealous! It just felt so good to play! Perfect for a 9 year-old that only liked bashing buttons while bashing opponents. The single-button combos and easy-to-understand mechanics makes it a very easy game to pick up and play.

Also, can't help but notice 2 of the 3 headers on this page are from Power Stone 2, not 1.

Reviewed on May 06, 2022


2 years ago

who did you main

2 months ago

Jack, because I was an edgy dork