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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 4, 2023

First played

September 26, 2023

Platforms Played


After finishing this game, I have to say that I really loved it. I probably liked it as much as Baten Kaitos I, and I may even prefer it a little bit over the first game.
Firstly, it improves in some aspects from the original, as an example, the battle system is faster than in the first game, and the wings are now also integrated into the gameplay, which I really liked. But it not only improves in some aspects, I think it's also a bit worse in some areas. The battle system is simpler and more straight-forward than in the first game, and while it makes it faster, you do not have as many options as in the first game. So I don't think it's an overall improvement, but the advantages of it also don't make it worse. Always organizing your deck in Baten Kaitos I was a bit annoying to me, and only having to manage one for the whole party in Baten Kaitos Origins was more convenient to me. So I can see how someone can prefer the battle system from Baten Kaitos Origins over the one from the first game, and inversely, how someone can prefer the one from Baten Kaitos I over the battle system from Origins.
Next, the characters were great. I really liked Sagi, Milly and Guillo. The dynamic between these characters is fantastic, and the smaller cast size compared to the first game was, in my opinion, a good decision for this game. Though I really liked Kalas and Xelha in Baten Kaitos I, I don't think the other characters were that memorable, not bad, but also not outstanding either.
Regarding the story, I think it was really gripping and good, and so overall, it was a bit better than the one from the first game.
Lastly, not to forget, the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic, just like the first Baten Kaitos game. I especially love the battle theme, it's great.
So after all, I can totally recommend this game, especially if you played and liked the first Baten Kaitos game. It's a wonderful prequel and definitely deserves to be talked about more.