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I found the controls clunky and imprecise compared to New Play Control! Pikmin. This really would've benefited from motion controls.

The lack of Wii Pro Controller support makes no sense, either. That has the side effect of making emulation using an Xbox controller feel unsatisfying regardless of how I map it. And the PC port is terrible, so I guess there's no winning.

I got to the second or third boss before giving up. At least let me save near the boss room instead of making me journey all the way from my home base every time I lose (aside from the canons, which didn't help in this case). There isn't enough controller precision to warrant that kind of difficulty and backtracking. I liked the artwork and general concept, though.

I'll try again if they ever decide to release a functioning version. I'm not holding my breath, though. It's not like this publisher is known for quality.