Review in progress:
I probably would've enjoyed this a lot more if I had someone to play multiplayer with. In single player, it's nothing amazing. The story is very forgettable. Like in Dragon Quest III, no one in your party has any dialogue/character.

Making a sequel on a technologically inferior platform doesn't sit well with me. It's a one step forward, two steps back kind of situation. Dragon Quest IX is one of the most technically impressive DS games I've played, but still feels like a worse version of VIII all the same (besides the removal of random encounters). I still consider this to be one of the best games on the DS despite my gripes. It's a solid Dragon Quest, but nothing more.

On an unrelated note, this game shows what Pokémon on the DS could've been like in the hands of a competent developer. We could've had a full 3D game with no random encounters and robust multiplayer!

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
