I'll be honest, it took me a long time to start playing this series. I knew that MGS3 and MGSV were well-known, but I didn't care much

gladly i got a computer so... i started emulating

The desire to play MGS2 and MGS3 was definitely what motivated me to play this, but MGS1 wasn't at all bad, in fact, it's one of my favorite games

The entire narrative is so skillfully built that it's difficult to believe that everything mentioned matters, the plot twists were something that really caught me off guard and considering this game does not have the best in the series makes my dopamine receptors fry

if yall ever say that "the plot is way to complicated" pls shut up, thast honestly what makes this whole game good and the rest of the series ( probably )

the whole anime-esque but not exagerrated part of this game makes it much better tbh it just adds a bit of comedic relief and stupid things that any other games couldnt pull without being corny

im definitely not great with reviews but at least i tried expressing my love for this title, hope mgs2 as good or better


Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023


6 months ago

Recommend you buying a PS3, pretty much most of the series can be played on it (except MG AC!D and MGS 5)

6 months ago

@aCupOfJuice i'll definitely buy a ps3 and ps2 in the future but for now emulating is easier and cheaper for me