As a huge fan of Quake 2 THIS is what I want. All of the missions were incredible, seeing the Strogg invasion of Earth through the Quake 2 gameplay loop is so charming and interesting. The maps feel like they were plucked right out of Quake 2 proper and given lots of drugs.

The secret levels were all FANTASTIC! Operation: Firewall was an absolute joy to play. Every single "Opeartion" had a memorable set piece that felt just right. The bosses were fun too, recycling enemies or not, it's arcade like nature makes it work.

Do NOT play the OG Release. Play the Remastered Version.

It gets a lot closer at matching the structure of Quake 2 proper but it is certainly weaker still. The maps are way more detailed and have more interesting events than MP1, but my god are they big. I like mazes so it doesn't bother me but I understand how tedious some of these maps can feel.

The new enemies are fine enough. Turrets suck, especially in the OG release, but in the remaster they are made weaker. The final boss is difficult, especially on Nightmare.

It's not awful. A bit too straight-forward. Doesn't quite understand how the Base Quake 2 campaign worked. The map designs don't feel like they make sense contextually. Very long hallways without much decoration. My favorite hallway is the one where there is just a single security terminal at the end of it for some reason.

Enemies get terribly spongy later on. Avoid playing the OG Release, as by the time you get to the penultimate map it turns into an ammo burning-fest.

The Remaster makes this a relatively solid experience. Easily the weakest entry in the Quake 2 saga, but I don't Hate it.

I do like the upgraded Brains though, they are actually terrifying. New weapons are fun too.

I built a Windows XP computer just to play this properly. One of my most replayed Business Simulators

Scratches every itch I've ever wanted from a platformer. One of the most consistent soundtracks of all time too. Not one dull moment. It's so good I actually 100%'d it my first playthrough, totaling about 70 hours. Even if you aren't into the gameplay enough to P-Rank the game then atleast check it out for the feeling, the visuals... as the world of Pizza Tower is so effortlessly infectious and neatly wrapped together.