Now, I played the remastered version, but this cover looks cooler, so this is what I’m reviewing. Anyways, this was a whole journey for me. My opinions on this changed from good to bad to worst thing ever, and my final verdict is that this game is unfortunately amazing. I say "unfortunately" because after months of hating on it, I’m switching up.

Usually, in reviews, I go over each individual category that makes up a game and give my thoughts on each one, but I’m not doing that this time. All I’ll talk about is my journey with Dark Souls.

It was March when I started the game off DS3, which I never finished and strongly disliked at the time. I was pleasantly surprised with DS1 because I enjoyed it so much more than its newest entry. The level design was, to me, infinitely better and so much cooler than what DS3 had to offer. The combat, while feeling less refined than DS3, had a certain jank to it which I really enjoyed, and the overall vibes and atmosphere, while still dark, felt a tad bit lighter compared to DS3. It was all great. Sure, there were a few areas and bosses that got me frustrated—cough, Capra Demon, cough, Anor Londo archers—but overall, I was liking the game until…

Ornstein and Smough.

I’ve played some hard games in my life, and sometimes I hit a wall. And yeah, O&S was my wall. I don’t know if it was because there were two of them or what, but attempt after attempt, I couldn’t beat them and eventually, I gave up. Eight months passed before I got back to the game, and once again, I gave up, thinking I’d never beat them. Then, quite literally the week before I wrote this review, six months since I last played, I came back to Dark Souls. But this time, I didn’t give up. No, I fought those mfs again and again, grinding souls, leveling up my gear, learning their move set, and then after hours of attempts and plenty of YouTube video essays, I beat them…

After that, the floodgates had opened like in the New Londo Ruins, and for the last week, I’ve been addicted to Dark Souls, playing every day when I get home from work. Now finally after a year of Dark Souls, my journey is finally over. Killing Gwyn and burning in the flames was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever experienced in a video game, and that’s saying something because Gwyn isn’t even hard, but the journey to get to him truly was. Also shoutout to FightinCowboy, could’ve never done it without him 😭

What a journey, what a game. I can’t believe how hard I switched up, but I did. Play Dark Souls and don’t go hollow!

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
