I can’t believe that we’re in 2024 and Ubisoft actually made a great videogame. Just kidding (or am I?)
The game is fun. I know that doesn’t sound like a great deal. But I mean is really, really fun to play. The combat is good, there is a decent variety of enemies, which make it fun to fight them. The character is amazing to control. Specially once you learn the main abilities (like double jump, the slide though the air, etc). The scenarios are full of secrets, chests, coins, etc. I’ll be honest, I didn’t care at all about the lore and texts about collectibles. I just picked them up and kept playing.
Visually, the game looks very well made. I played in on the Nintendo Switch and the graphics and textures can look a bit odd from time to time. For what I saw, on PC, Xbox and Playstation, the game looks a lot better. Apart from the graphics, the general style of the game is cool. Maybe not very original, but it looks good. Although I didn’t like the UI and menu elements.
The game has a few options to personalize the difficulty of different aspects, which is great if you are the kind of player that, sometimes, want a lower challenge. I won’t lie, sometimes I do. And I did use some of those settings in moments where I just wanted to move forward and I didn’t wanna spend another 20 tries on the same boss.
I liked the music in some key moments of the game. The general audio effects are very good, specially the background noises in the different environments. The voice acting is okay, nothing to complain or stand out about it.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t care at all about the story. It’s not bad, but I just didn’t care. I don’t think the story is the strongest point of the game: for me, it was just an excuse to play this really fun game and go from one side of the map to the other, fighting everything that moves in the middle. And that’s perfectly fine to me.
I don’t know if this is an issue only present on the Switch, but I found a but annoying having so many loading screens. I don’t know if the PC/Xbox/Playstation versions also have so many black screens. It’s not a deal breaker, but after a while, it can be annoying. Specially considering that the game has a fast gameplay (which is great) that makes you want to keep playing it fluidly.
I think this game doesn’t invent anything new for the genre, but it takes what works for this type of games and combines it all very well.
I don’t know if I will play this game again in the future, but maybe I’ll keep playing it a few more hours just to complete parts of the map that I didn’t go to during my playtrough.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2024
