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GodofAmiibo finished Potion Permit
This is a really cute little Stardew-like game that trades farming for a bigger emphasis on gathering and alchemy. Sort of an Atelier-lite system. In fact, the alchemy reminded me a LOT of how it works in the Mysterious Atelier quadrilogy.

The game is not very deep (and overall very easy), but it was a really simple and fun time. I think my biggest complaints are that at times, the minigames are TOO easy, and there isn't really a lot of variety in gameplay once you reach a certain point. I found myself doing the same gameplay loop for several in-game days in a row, only deviating when a service wasn't available on that specific day. I don't think it was bad, but I do think wasn't as good as it could have been. I liked it, but I didn't love it.

1 day ago

GodofAmiibo earned the Loved badge

8 days ago

GodofAmiibo finished Afterimage
Gameplay? Awesome. It's a bit on the easy side, but traversal and combat are pretty fun. The visuals looked nice too, but I do think they were a bit all over the place (different characters looked like they came from different games).

I do have a number of gripes, though. The story is just too out there for me to enjoy. The game just dumps you in the middle of this fantasy world that has way too many different pieces of jargon for me to fully understand what was going on. The game also isn't too clear on where some vital items are for continuing the story. You just have to explore. Which is usually fine. But this game doesn't have the best indicators on where things are. Also, I do wish there was an option to toggle on a minimap, that option was missing here.

Overall, I still had a lot of fun due to the actual gameplay. But the experience surrounding it? It could have been better.

8 days ago

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