Log Status






Time Played

12h 5m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 30, 2024

First played

June 11, 2024

Platforms Played


I'm mixed on this game, but generally like it. I had issues getting into this game initially due to the game's unique HP/MP system, but once I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed myself with it. Which is why when things change late into the game, it almost feels like a different game. I really was not a fan of this. The way the map is built alongside its fast travel system felt like a great idea at first too, but the later into the game I got, the more annoying it was to get from one section of map to another. This game has some great ideas, but doesn't execute on all of them as well as it could have.

What this game DOES do well is its art and spritework. You can tell this game draws a lot of its inspiration from Blasphemous, and in some ways, I actually liked this game more. The vibes and mood were geared more towards my preference, which I appreciated. I had fun, and the game doesn't overstay its welcome. I think it's a great length! I feel like putting in one or two more types of collectibles would have been perfect, however.

All-in-all, a solid game! I had fun!