One of the most finely crafted worlds in the medium, with some visually and mechanically incredible fights to boot.

Would be a genuine masterpiece if not held back by the frankly dogshit last 20% of the game.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2022


2 years ago

what did you think was wrong with the last 20% of the game? other than godskin duo i honestly loved that part. no shade ofc i'm just curious.

2 years ago

Godskin Duo was one of the most tedious things I've ever had to go through

2 years ago

I beat him just last night, after days of struggling

2 years ago

I realize in retrospect 20% might've been an overestimate. But my general feeling is that the endgame fights really tread the line of being genuinely unfair or at least very unfun to fight.

Godskin Duo is an obvious example, but some others that bugged me were Maliketh's incredibly quick attacks in his first phase and the health cut debuff of the second phase, Melania's Waterfowl dance that is a total crapshoot to reliably avoid without being ten feet away from her as well as her lifesteal that goes off even on block, Mohg's AOE that just eats your health if you don't have the correct flask buff and the constant bleed buildup in his second phase. Radagon's teleport moves that I could not find a reliable response to.

A lot of the attacks I mentioned are avoidable in specific situations that require you to basically constantly be anticipating the attack, which means usually retaliating with only one or two hits because doing anymore puts you at risk of being in a position where damage is unavoidable (Melania's Waterfowl is the perfect example and you spend half the fight waiting for her to do it). It might be technically fair but when you're at endgame and most attacks are doing half your health bar, you're basically forced to slow down and play way more defensively or significantly alter your build which in my opinion doesn't feel good to do.

Once the exploration is mostly done and you're just finishing up the last few bosses, the game became an absolute slog to finish.

2 years ago

If some late game fights got patched/nerfed the game would jump to a 10 instantly, but right now those last few fights were miserable, and I say this as someone who adores tough fights like Isshin, Orphan of Kos, etc.
@theoneswhoareded very true, besides godskin duo and melania, I really enjoyed all the endgame fights and areas
@goffers guess it's just differing opinion because I found maliketh to be the best boss alongside morgott