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Gohbkn backloggd Hades II

2 days ago

2 days ago

Gohbkn completed Crash Twinsanity
Probably the only game I'll give a 10 to out of nostalgia alone. This replay really sinked in how much of a broken mess this is, so many missing sounds and voice lines, hit boxes all over the place, shameless jokes and showcases of cut content, and just an overall lack of cohesion that most likely barely reflect how awful and messy its delevopment was.
Learning so much about what they intended to do with this game and all the ideas they had in mind for what would be the most ambitious entry in the series is kind of sad in retrospect, but the fact remains that despite all of its shortcomings people can still look back on it fondly for what it was, which is honestly a huge achievement given the circumstances. They most likely knew how the final product could turn out, so the one thing that got prioritized the most was communicating that soul even if it meant doing it with a presentation that feels like making up a dumb story with your toys. That's why it was so developmental to me I think, being like 5-9 I could still play with my toys and being one of my first games ever it stimulated my imagination like nothing else, probably was the first ever videogame that I held as the peak of coolness and thought about every other hour where I wasn't playing it, so even if this replay with a more cynical mind really made me realize how many things I dislike about the game, that wont ever made the fondness I hold for this insanely developmental piece of stupidity.
After all that is said and done I just wanna say it felt reallyyyy fucking good to finally sit down and play it all in mostly one go while being cracked at it lmao, took me ages to finish this thing when I was a kid and literally everything stood on my way to keep me from playing it, some real catharsis right there ohhh I needed that mhm.

5 days ago

Gohbkn is now playing Crash Twinsanity

9 days ago

Gohbkn earned the Replay '14 badge

11 days ago

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