Half-Life 2 is everything modern FPS games wish they were; keeping people coming back after almost 20 years is a feat most can't attain. The beginning of the game starts with being introduced to City 17, and you get to see all the oppression and hopelessness, and within those first few moments, the game instills a sense of both fear and rebelliousness, making you want to fight.

Each subsequent chapter gets better and larger. Ravenholm and the Citidel are some of my favorite areas. Gameplay is still fun, and the gravity gun is still one of the greatest weapons in any game. Alyx Vance is one of the best supporting characters. I love each interaction with her, which is helped by the phenomenal animation. Dog is everyone's favorite pet and having the Vortigaunts now on the players side was a great decision. I feel bad for killing so many of them now, poor guys.

The world is beautifully crafted, from the way the gunships move, the daddy longleg-like striders, the mysterious combine, and never really seeing the true powers that be. The way the game made me feel is indescribable; it makes you feel proud to be human, and they really instilled this level of protection you feel towards your own race on this godforsaken Earth.

Half Life 2 is in my top 20 games of all time, and although I prefer the first game, the second really pushed the limits on what a first-person shooter could be and that they can tell incredible stories along with addictive and fun gameplay.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
