AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative is the perfect example of why not every game forcibly needs a sequel just because the first one did good.

I absolutely loved the first title. It’s very close to be a masterpiece to me. I rated that game a 5/5 (=10/10).

Its sequel, though? No thanks. I originally shelved it a few days ago, because it failed to thrill me, although the introduction was really good! But the case ended up being way less personal than the Cyclops Killings and it ignored a bit too much from the first game. At the beginning, the game asks you if you’re familiar with the first game and even if you say “yes”, Date appears as Saito Sejima, so he does not have his original body. The explanation for that is omega stupid. As I said, the story did not captivate me even a little.

I also hate how linear Nirvana Initiative is. When I shelved it, I just thought it is only like that with Ryuki’s past six years ago (because you can’t change his past like that, it already happened). But after taking it from the shelve and playing Mizuki’s path, I was just shocked. It’s still linear. The somniums are still linear and god, I hate how overloaded the somniums are now, even with the AI balls. No, I don’t want to explore every corner after every lock, just to make sure I don’t miss an AI ball. This is not Assassin’s Creed Unity.

Also, The likeable characters from the first game do not play a big role this time… which wouldn’t be a bad thing if the new characters were likeable, but Jesus Christ, fvck, they’re the most unlikeable characters I’ve encountered in a very long time. Kizuna and Lien especially. First one is a classist piece of trash and Lien is nothing but a damn groomer. What are the writers trying to tell me? Also, I don’t particularly hate Ryuki, but the trailers promised Mizuki and I didn’t get nearly as much Mizuki as I wanted. I didn’t really need Ryuki.

And while the first game was on constant horny mode, the sequel carries the horny to the extreme and I think it was unnecessary and way too unsubtle. Playing (not even just touching) with a statue’s wiener? Really? Tama being basically a dominatrix? It went from unsubtle horny mode to ugh.

And honestly, they could’ve SPARED me with the tamagotchi thing. I know it’s optional and I can turn it off, but as someone who is a completionist, it’s just annoying popping up every 20 minutes. The options between “complete the game and get annoyed or enjoy the game, but don’t complete it” is just bad design at this point.

To me, this is just a bad game. And I’m glad I’m able to ultimately drop games!

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2022
