Unplayable mess and a scam. Don’t need to play it honestly, I’ve seen enough. If this wouldn’t be Pokémon or a popular Nintendo IP, this would cause a massive scandal like Cyberpunk 2077 at launch.

Played it at my friend’s home for a few hours now. And it’s even worse experiencing it for myself.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022


1 year ago

Reviewing games you haven't played. L

1 year ago

How can you know if something is unplayable without playing it?

1 year ago

By watching other people play it? I don’t think I need to experience this amount of bugs and game breaking glitches for myself to judge it would be unplayable to me. 🤷‍♂️

1 year ago

if the game is broken by definition there is no need to play it. Why waste spending money when you know game is broken by default. Why give money to a company that won't improve. Simple logic

1 year ago
