Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door improves on absolutely everything the first game did, really. I see why people put TTYD on such a high pedestal. TTYD is definitely one of the best GameCube games and I’m glad I got myself to play it. It’s a shame this game is stuck on the Nintendo GameCube... at least officially.

TTYD impressed me with charming and unique (re-)designed characters, funny and delightful dialogues, a playful and powerful soundtrack, beautiful environments, creative and genius puzzles fitting to the paper aesthetics, exciting bosses and tons of fun mob enemies.

Is this the peak of Mario RPGs?
At least we all know for sure that Intelligent Systems is not going to create a Paper Mario like TTYD again and stick to the Sticker Star franchise.

I never thought I’d like this game so much!

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2021
