Probably the best sequel I have played in a long time. It improved upon everything from the first game in every way.

The quality of life improvements & new content are nice.

However, the actual game is too easy, the story is boring, and the Pokemon you choose from pre-end game is poor (they should have included everything from Platinum).

I think the remake process was a 4/5, since it is pretty faithful to the original, but it should have been more of a Platinum remake instead of Pearl/Diamond remake.

The game itself is a 3/5 because I think it is on the bottom of the list of Pokemon games, next to Sword & Shield, in terms of enjoyability & holding my interests (which is why it took me a year to beat it, just to get ready for Gen. 9).

The story is pretty interesting & playing as the Banished is a nice change of pace. The objectives are really varied so it doesn't get too repetitive.

I am taking off 1/2 - 1 stars because the game crashed multiple times & my save wouldn't load at one point (turns out moving the game from the internal SSD of the Series X to the external hard drive fixed the save issue). There are also multiple times where you have to do a specific objective but it's not obvious because the waypoint marker blends in with the object.

These missions were fun and are worth a play.

A big improvement over the original in almost every way and the campaign is about the right length (albeit still short).

The objectives are varied but not as unique as the first game. I also found myself waiting at my base quite often before making a move but that might be how these games work.

I think the combat is fantastic. Being able to over watch with a specific view cone, using different class abilities & executions to have a massive turn, and having an additional support robot with wildly different abilities all feel great, rivaling XCOM in terms of the combat.

The parts I didn't like was how repetitive the side missions started getting towards the end, editing the gear of all your squad mates takes a lot of time (to the point I didn't bother doing it until the end of each act), and leveling up is way too slow. It was to the point I was constantly dismissing units to get new ones because the new ones are usually a level ahead & that meant I never got attached to them, except for the heroes.

The story was ok, but that wasn't the reason I came to the game.

I think a Gears Tactics 2 could easily be a 5/5 if they add some quality of life improvements & add more of a metagame like XCOM has with its base building & mission map.

The acting and the combat are fantastic. The story is good for the most part but it waivered in the middle for my tastes.

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The dialog between Tim & Barbara was nice but the DLC was otherwise average.

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The ending & the characters were great. It is sad that we will probably not get another one but I like to think that is because Bruce truly dropped the Batman persona because of what Alfred said & another game wouldn't make much sense.

Easily the best DLC for Arkham Knight.

This was short but I really enjoyed the stealth room with Catwoman.

The fighting platform was also fun at first but it was far too hard.

The slow takedowns & Catwoman jumping over a person to do it would cause you to stand on an electrical platform for 5 seconds without being able to cancel so you just die.

I enjoyed this DLC. Seeing Nightwing mess with the Penguin was funny.

This was more fleshed out than the other DLCs. It didn't add much to the story but it was fun. For some reason, this DLC made my game crash 4-5 times, specifically with a sniper that would freeze my game if I silently took them out.

It was fun to use guns but it was short & didn't add much to the story/lore.

They actually spent a lot of work to make the world look different from Harley's point of view & I thought that was interesting & more than I expected. However, it is extremely short, like 30 minutes & it is done. The 1 star taken off is for the short length.