2 reviews liked by Gooble

Rated 3.5 out of some sort of attempt at being realistic but I loved it, at times, like a 4.5

Interesting case of feeling very strongly about a game in the first 20 hours or so but really starting to cool by the final 30-40 hours. I love the combat but it doesn't evolve much past hour 20 and the enemies hardly do either. Leading to the primary draw to the game sadly getting stale.

Aside from that, it's a really basic game with plenty of issues and well undercooked systems. For a lot of the game they didn't bother me at all but again, by the end, it did wear on me some.

The world design is really standout though. The winding paths and grand journeys really do hold the game together.

I really enjoyed this one but don't think I see myself ever coming back to it.


Okay-- so, on one hand, this game plays extremely well. Engage's interpretation of the weapon triangle and the titular "Engage" mechanic make combat a blast. Maps are cleverly designed and the battle animations are incredible. The hub world is also fun, and overall, the game has a very rewarding loop that's hard to walk away from.

Unfortunately, I actively dislike everything else. The story is rough and the supports feel AI written. I went in with low expectations given many reviews explicitly stated this game was more focused on tactics, and I still found myself feeling disappointed by the narrative.

I know very well that not every FE game prioritizes story, but there's absolutely a way to have a lighter stakes journey that doesn't take itself too seriously. Instead, we get a plot that echoes the beats of an epic fantasy tale without giving us any reason to care.

Despite my issues with Engage, I am still enjoying the game. My advice is to skip the cutscenes, give everyone sunglasses, and have fun with the incredible tactics.

TLDR: Help, I miss Garegg Mach so much...