Black 2006

Log Status






Time Played

6h 12m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 15, 2024

First played

April 28, 2024

Platforms Played


This is a very good game, surprising how well it has aged. The guns feel weighty and powerful. The destructibility is incredible, something I was completely surprised by. The story is something I did not pay an iota of attention to. You're supposed to be a kind of spec ops guy who goes rogue? Not certain. All I really cared about was the gunplay. Which was pretty good! Good enough to go back and play? Maybe not. But I had a good time with it. I say that because, though probably among the best FPSs of its time, feels kinda bad to play now.

The fact that your screen goes blurry when you reload and that there's no proper aim-down sights but instead just a zoom in of holding it at your hip is annoying. Also the fact that every time you pull a gun out you have to do an animation. Nothing more infuriating than trying to swap to your shotgun because a guy is right on you and having to wait a second to finish fiddling with it.

Another issue is how often the game is just you spraying bullets into a guy who is standing still making the same flinching animation. A little tiring. Blowing the heads off of guys was fun but it could be very boring trying to take down a guy from far away with your AR. Still. despite all that, managed to have a fun time.

Each level is about an hour long which was perfect. No save states and some pretty unforgiving checkpoints makes it real annoying if you end up dying, which can easily happen on the later levels which was maddening. I also lost an hour's worth of gameplay because I forgot to save after mission end even though I made it back to the menu. Almost wanted to just delete the game after that. But had a great time completing an hour-long mission in the evening after work and then leaving the next mission for the next day, it was a good time! Would recommend if you're into older stuff.