Got a C* in GCSE English, just trying to make my teacher proud.
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I had low expectations and was still disappointed. This games a failure on all fronts, its a story driven game with one of the worst stories put in a game. the main characters are infuriating but there all you get, the game has side characters but they don't do anything with them, so the game is spent watching the 4 most annoying people fumble about for 10 hours. To truly show how poor this game is I just need to talk about the finale chapter. The game follows this mcguffin that can heal any wound, even bringing people back to life. But during the finale chapter you break into the evil companies spaceship along with a friendly psycho. during this mission the psycho gets fatally shot, your group has the mcguffin but it doesn't heal her. at no other point in the game does it not work, it works after this, there's no explanation for why it does work. They just introduced something that could stop all deaths and couldn't even handle it in the game, so I don't even want to know how it will impact future games. None of the choices in the game feel like they have any impact, the game will just randomly give you and ending depending on how "good you did". During the ending the group are stranded on a crashing spaceship, then it fades to black and just plays one of the endings, if you get an ending where a main character dies it just happens off screen. I could go on about how Tediore feel identical to Maliwan, how pointless the vaultlanders minigame is or how awful the dialogue is, but I've already spent more effort on this review than the game deserves.

I think shutting down the developers was a bit harsh, it's not that bad; not that development studios are spared even if they make good games, but this isn't a rant about the games industry this is a review for Saints Row (2022). I liked the Saints Row reboot, now it does have a myriad of problems mainly the technical problems. I played it a decent bit after release and experienced many a bug so I dread to think what the launch was like. However if you can look past them there's a fun open world game behind the jank. Many people will point out the writing as another blunder but I think this is blown out of proportion. Don't get me wrong the writing isn't spectacular or anything but its serviceable and the parts people would find cringe I found a bit charming. The city of Santo Ileso is jam packed with activities and collectables, plus the addition of a wingsuit never goes a miss. The combat system keeps the games missions interesting with the unlocking of new abilities and the various enemy types the game throws at you. The driving is game is satisfying but the star of the traversal is the wingsuit, launching out of a moving vehicle then keeping your moment by bouncing off people is endless amusing along with the ragdoll that happens whenever you fuck it up. I even found myself enjoying some of the sound track, especially the combat tracks and the main theme. Overall while the game has its jank it offers a fun open world to do whatever you want in.

You could call it my "desert island game". If I could only play one game for the rest of my life I'd be more than contempt with this. I have put countless hours into this game and foresee myself putting in countless more. It has reached the pinnacle of endless replayability, I have yet to see all this game has to offer and I'm not sure I will. Those 18 missions are engrained into my memory just from playing on normal mode, that's without factoring in TVHM, UVHM , the OP levels or the DLC. The amount of joy I've gotten from this game with and without friends is immeasurable, it's s engaging combat, great soundtrack and addictive loot system easily cements itself as my favourite game of all time.