Log Status






Time Played

81h 3m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 1, 2023

Platforms Played



NOTE: I mainly purchased TF|2 for the single-player experience. Not a fan of the Titan vs Titan in multiplayer. However, there is a pilot vs pilot mode which is quite enjoyable.

Titanfall 2 is one of the greatest FPS titles in recent years!

The game has one of the smoothest and fastest FPS movement systems ever created! Gunplay is fluid, the level design is clever and the singleplayer is compelling and challenging. Battles can get intense during some of the missions.

My only complaints are about the AI and the settings options. Enemy AI often will just take cover and shoot at you, never try to flank you. Unless you play on Master. Then they will have aimbot and kill you with 2 hits, especially the Stalkers. There is a lack of settings which can be changed only with VPK like the giant crosshair, terrible depth of field and viewmodel FOV.

Titanfall 2 finally is getting the recognition it deserves after terrible marketing and letting it die. Now we can only wait for Titanfall 3.

The FPS market needs more skill-based movement shooters!