Before playing Metro 2033 or Last Light, I highly recommend reading the books. You won't regret it!

As for the games - other developers need to take notes. It's just a phenomenal-looking game. The atmosphere is immersive and engaging. From the lighting and sound effects to the models of the mutants and all the factions (except the female characters which for some reason look bad). I also recommend changing the audio to Russian.

The shooting is satisfying and challenging especially on "Ranger Hardcore" difficulty. The game has a system where with certain actions you earn or lose moral points which determine the ending. Some of the mechanics I haven't seen in any other game. The watch in the game is synchronized with your PC. When taking damage, your gas mask starts to crack and break. Rain, blood or mud will often cover your mask and block your vision so you can simply wipe it.

It's just amazing what a small Ukrainian studio managed to create. Most of the complaints about the Metro series are that they are too linear. Well, they are made linearly on purpose to tell a story.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
