The Witcher 3 is spectacular!
I have never felt empty after finishing a game before.
The improvements between the three titles are another reason to appreciate what CDPR has created.

I will try to make a short review of the things that made me fall in love with this masterpiece:
• Excellent lore and storyline based on Andrzej Sapkowski's novels.
• Beautifully crafted world where every __cpLocation is unique, combined with fabulous graphics.
• The soundtrack is masterfully composed and it fits just right in every situation.
• Loveable characters and you feel connected to them. This is one of the strongest aspects of the series and novels.
• Well-written dialogues.
• Detailed and immersive cutscenes. The cinematography on some of them is simply phenomenal and breathtaking.
• A lot of choices to make and they do matter. There are 36 different ending variations, 3 of them are the major ends with a cutscene.
• All the main and side quests are high quality and very enjoyable. The monster contracts are also great.
• This is a mature game - there is plenty of nudity and gore.
• The DLCs contain more content than most of the 60$ games. Not to mention there are 16 free DLCs (new quests and gear).
• Enjoyable combat. It's nothing that special but you have to learn your enemies' weaknesses and their attack patterns. The game is quite challenging on a higher difficulty.
• The game is long but you don't feel it because of how much you enjoy it.
• Minor details, quests and conversations that can be easily missed. After 5 years, there are still new things the community finds.

• The game has an end.
• Other games become harder to get into.
• Unbalanced on higher difficulties.
• You can get unstoppable on NG+ with the right build, removing any challenge.
• Some small bugs and clippings.
• Movement is sometimes clunky.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
