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1 day

Last played

May 8, 2005

Platforms Played


Funny story about Demon Front:

I've searched far and wide for this game's name for years. There was a place in my hometown named "Mundo Pequeño" for children's parties that had a single arcade game beneath the play area. I remember being about 5 years old and stumbling upon it. For the next five years, every single time a friend of mine had a party there, I immediately rushed to the Demon Front arcade to play it. It was one of the most magical experiences I've ever had.

When a kid came to play with me, we banded together to beat level after level up until the very final boss. I beat the game so many times, and I still wanted to play it again every time I came to "Mundo Pequeño". After years of playing it, when I was around 10-11 years old, a tragedy happened.

The machine started failing for some reason. Maybe rainwater got to it, or the years and elements just started to affect it. But the colors changed and became all red. Also, a periodic glitch made the game crash and erase all your progress. Still, I wanted to keep playing Demon Front. I still enjoyed it, but it felt sad to see the arcade machine suffer (apparently) permanent damage.

About a year later, the machine was gone. I guess it finally broke down. It was sad to see something that brought me so much joy disappear, and by then I had kind of outgrown children's parties. I spent a few more times in that place, without the game that I spent countless hours playing. And years later, it faded into an obscure memory.

Now, I finally remembered this game. I saw a couple of gameplay videos on YouTube and the nostalgic memories came right back. Apparently, it is a very rare Taiwanese title that was only released on specific arcade game boxes. In a way, it is kind of a miracle that I was able to experience it, but I feel so happy to at least remember it once again.