A modern game with retro stylings, an eye-popping adventure with a magical brush that turns the world into your endless canvas. Playing it feels like a lost 2D Zelda, or if Okami had been a Game Boy Colour title, even down to the locations being static screens instead of automatically scrolling.

The game is divided into a loose overworld of fields, rivers, valleys, towns, and dark caverns waiting to be explored. You'll need your brush and growing colour abilities to overcome puzzles and unlock new areas. The only real downside is the boss battles, as they tend to drag on and can't be failed.

The story, about depression and expectations and all our very human insecurities and flaws, hit really hard. I'm glad the main characters are on the path to getting better, and that was only possible by talking to each other and being open.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2022
