A really cute momentum-based platformer that clearly takes a lot of inspiration from Sonic, and I think succeeds at being a pretty fun experience.

It’s a bit of a buggy mess, especially in terms of collision, and it seemed like there were some time or budget constraints as some cutscenes are fully 3d and others are 2d, with little rhyme or reason. The flow of the controls are really great, it’s an extremely unique control scheme that works really well and feels very satisfying after a while. I wish Penny had 1 or 2 extra moves to make their kit feel full, and I wish you didn’t have to manually stop to use the peel-out. In a platformer, the movement has to be something you nail, and I think they did pretty good here.

The same can’t be said for the level design unfortunately, levels are visually very distinct and creative, but in practice feel very same-y and shallow. It feels like a more watered-down version of Kirby and the Forgotten Land’s level design, with far less ideas and unique set pieces. The boss fights are kind of terrible, but cute in terms of the story.

Overall, really nailed the general flow of the game in a kind of disappointing set of levels, with somewhat shallow and half-baked elements, but for its short runtime, this game is perfectly alright. Missed potential for sure, but still fun.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
