This review is highly biased, because rather than the game design or the actual demos included within the disc, I abide for this initiative as a whole and the way it is presented:

The fact that this game's lobby is structured as a museum, and that to access each game you have to go through some sort of mini-interactive exposition cabinet is a strong sign of confidence in the still nebulous nature of the final state of these games.

The fact that they think they can evoke a smile from the viewer, a smile that comes only from witnessing a life sized tribute to one of your favorite games, is confidence that the scenes from these games will turn iconic as months go by; regardless of how uninspired some seem to be in their actual state.

This museum dares to give all small projects here featured equal chance to shine and gauge audience, while still allowing for small self-contained games in the most amusing way possible: as secret stands one has to find and puzzle around to access within the confines of this museum.

For all this, I think the demo disc: both as an initiative, as a networking experience, and an encouraging tribute for thriving small devs, is perfect.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2021
