the staple of what you call an indie game, one of the most fun things to play with friends

better then damacy technically due to graphical updates, but i mean i still have a soft spot for the og

probably my actual favorite game, i love this game so much its really fun, rerolls better simply for graphical reasons but this is swaggin

this is my nostalgia game, i love this game a whole lot

this game is really fucking fun but holy shit the community makes me want to blow my brains out this is only fun with friends, but then its really fun

fun to play with little creatures, you shouldn't need as many people as you do to make it fun though, its really boring with like 6 or less :/

Standing on the edge of the crater
Like the prophets once said
And the ashes are all cold now
No more bullets and the embers are dead
Whispers in the air tell the tales
Of the brothers gone
Desolation, devastation
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong
Watching from the edge of the circus
For the games to begin
Gladiators draw their swords
Form their ranks for Armageddon
I'm nuclear
I'm wild
I'm breaking up inside
A heart of broken glass
Deep inside
The abandoned child
Standing on the edge of the underworld
Looking at the abyss
And I'm hoping for some miracle
To breakout, to escape from all this
Whispers in the air tell the tales

this games so fucking good, i wish the ui was a bit better but the rest of the game is SPECTACULAR

free hong kong, games pretty fun to play with friends though

this games one of the best indies ive ever played, its pretty short but holy SHIT is it fun

the best fucking zelda game