1 review liked by Gubbernecco

Now this... oof. I feel like this review is insanely unfair, but as someone who didn't play the original when it came out and doesn't have any nostalgia to it?

This game sucks.

The entire time it felt like I was playing a scuffed version of GTA IV, the story felt like it went nowhere exciting in its entire runtime, the characters had nearly nothing to them, Vito doesn't have the 'cool' factor Tommy has, and I kinda just... wanted it to end. Any character who had any sort of real personality either died or Joe. Who might have ALSO died lmao, I dunno.

The game is plagued with problems, crashes that cause you to restart a whole chapter at times, awful checkpointing, performance drops in the middle of nothing, and it kinda just stuck ass.

If I played this when it came out, I might've enjoyed it more, but as someone experiencing it for the first time in 2021 after playing a really well done remake, it just wasn't up to par. I wish they got the same team who did the Mafia 1 remake to do this one as well, because the quality difference is just ridiculous.