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Here we are with Smash 4. This was my first experience with Smash 4, but I had not become competitive with Smash yet. I still had no one to play with so I was stuck just playing it on my own like with the others. Smash was still just something I played on few occasions and without a story mode like Subspace I had no real reason to play it extensively. Hell, I didn't even know Smash attacks were a thing. The character I did best with, SOMEHOW, was Little Mac. Yes, I mained Little Mac in Smash 4 on the 3DS. Fuckin' sue me. Anyway, Smash 4 is almost my least favourite of them, be it 3DS or Wii U. I couldn't go back to this one even if I wanted to. My copy fucked off somewhere and I have no idea where it could be.