The Wind Waker. Another one of my top 5 Zelda titles. Everything is great about this game. The art style, the gameplay, the fucking music, everything. It's a crime that the game did not sell well when it released, but I do understand why, even though it is wickedly unfair. Back when the GameCube first was announced at Space World 2000, there were a lot of clips that showed off the technical capabilities of it. You had Super Mario 128, a scene that was basically a test concept of Luigi's Mansion, footage of Samus running in a full 3D environment, things like that. Among them was a brief scene in which we see Link, 3D rendered with a similar design to Ocarina of Time but updated with GameCube graphics, facing off against Ganondorf. People got extremely excited for it, thinking that the next Zelda title will be a much darker or more realistic game. Do keep in mind that the last console Zelda title was Majora's Mask, one of the darkest Zelda games out there if not the darkest. It was a reasonable assumption. So when people started to see trailers for The Wind Waker, they were extremely pissed. The look of the game made people think that Zelda was taking a step backwards and becoming a game for children. It received an unwarranted amount of hate. It definitely has a more cartoonish look, but it still plays like a Zelda game, 'cos that's exactly what it is. The gameplay was unchanged. It's still Zelda. It is a bit unfair to judge it on it's design.
Anyway, the game is good. The cel-shading suits the art style really well and looks fantastic. The music is also wonderful. I especially like how the theme of the game is the Earth God's Lyric followed by the Wind God's Aria with the Legend of Zelda theme mixed in. Anyway, it is a fantastic game and it is nice to see the game getting the praise it deserves nowadays. Still feels weird to hear the game being called "vintage". I may never get over that.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
