I have wonderful glowing positive things to say about this game.

I have always had a fondness for remedy's style of game making, there is perhaps nobody besides Kojima that understands how to make a game that feels like a movie like they do.

There are several moments in this game that send shivers up my spine from the visuals, perhaps it is the best looking ps4 game.

Gameplay wise, it reminds me quite a bit of alan wake just with more flavor and is less gimmicky. Mostly shooting with some platforming and puzzle elements. It's pacing is great and does not overstay it's welcome.

Story wise it might utilize my favourite way to tell stories, through the environment, lightly used cutscenes with expertly acted characters.

Maybe the best written female protagonist of any game ever, Jesse is very well written and impeccabley acted by Courtney Hope.

She says something in the game that stuck with me about even though the situation is horrific it felt right to be where she was in the moment. A line bespeaking of existential bliss, a feeling we all chase after. Well this game made me feel that in a way, it was a joy.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
