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1 day

Last played

October 11, 2023

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Distinctly remember seeing this in the January 2012 issue of Nintendo Power, in that section they had near the end of the run where they went over some random retro game. Fond childhood memories of flipping through the last few issues of that mag before it shut down, very formative in getting me to care about older games alongside shit like AVGN. Iunno, Revenge of the 'Gator is a name that really sticks in yer mind, along with the weird, flatly colored cover art. It's prolly my favorite part of the game as a whole lol

Turned out to just be a demo for what would eventually become Kirby's Pinball Land, but since I have less affection for Kirbs than most I definitely prefer the cute nondescript alligators of this game. They're charming, tho they don't do much to elevate a pretty rudimentary pinball game. As a strong advocate for all video pinball games having a tilt mechanic, the lack of one here basically sealed it's fate as a curio at most. No reason to play this over the far superior Alien Crush, unless you're just really into gators.