game freak released a glitchy unpolished barely finished mess in 1996,,,,nobody bats an eye
game freak released a glitchy unpolished barely finished mess in 2022,,,,everybody loses their minds!!!!

Anyway if i had to guess im a bit under halfway through but this is easily the most fun ive had with a pokemon game in like a decade. The people putting that much ire on the visual glitches and how ugly n performance are right in that this is unacceptable from a company as big as game freak but this has done very little to actually take away from my experience. At its core its just a fun small lil open world game where you run around on a fun dinosaur and do goofy stupid shit for gyms and stuff and i like it.

Many point to the removal of random battles/trainers as the best change, but i think its easily the fact that they made the characters shut the fuck up after like an hour

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2022


1 year ago

The very concept of "gaming standards" has ruined videogame discussion in a lot of hallmarks, performance-over-fun is one of them (even if I'm on the boat of criticizing the "ludic factor")

1 year ago

in many ways i think the poor performance adds to the fun, i never get tired of doing that dumbass BLJ up walls

1 year ago

Because it makes sense? I don't think people want a buggy unpolished mess when they pay 60$ for it. Everyone loses their minds is because we want them to improve and actually delay their games. Back then they weren't the billion dollar company we know today.
ignore egg (they havent played it)

1 year ago

did u actually take my joke at the top of my review seriously chief

1 year ago

I apologize for not knowing

1 year ago

usually a good way to tell is by how many !!!!! they use

1 year ago

no thats just cuz im gay