1483 Reviews liked by GuyCalledAhmad

Have I become a fan of roguelites? This was a game I got hella hooked on; it's really fun and fast-paced and I love the mixes of action and 2D platforming.

I'll admit I'm mostly going off of mob mentality here but yeah it sucks

The most impressive thing about Meat Boy is how Edmund managed to improve on it so much in literally every way possible with Super Meat Boy only 2 years later. Still pretty good but doesn't hold a candle to its sequel.

...well it sure isn't Super Meat Boy.

The decent little flash game that would later become the absolutely immaculate Super Meat Boy.

THANK YOU EDMUND MCMILLAN FOR CREATING MEAT without it...and I'll be frank from this moment on during this review... My Burger Resturaunt aptly titled "Bob's Burgers" would instead sound a little something like "Bob's Buns" and I don't know how I would feel about that if it were a reality. Sounds ferociously homosexual

had to give up on the expert section of the map pack

I haven't played the original one so looks like I will never understand why everyone got furious on this game, I had fun

i bought this game on sale for 1 euro and it still wasnt worth it

Super Meat Boy Forever is a hardcore precision auto runner. The game is very aesthetically appealing, but level design feels uneven and unsatisfying. Rather than testing the player's reflexes, each segment feels like a puzzle that could be easily solved if it weren't for the arbitrary pressure exerted by the automatic movement. I have enjoyed the Bit Trip Runner games but otherwise I don't have a lot of experience with this genre. It seems to me that the meat boy treatment doesn't really mesh well with this type of game.

Ain't Mr. Freeze just the coolest? Lame ice pun aside, this DLC was pretty good. Slightly better than the base game for its more focused narrative, and Mr. Freeze alone helps contribute to that half star. All in all, a solid end to my 30 hours spent in Arkham Origins.

Ok I think I’ve done all that I want to now. Got all the bunnies and got help solving the wing dings code to get to the last big secret in the game. Ngl got a little bit emotional again when I finally solved the final big puzzle. This game is so great. I love it so much. There’s still some figurines I haven’t gotten and I may come back and learn how to speedrun this game but for now I think I’ve had my fun. This is the kind of game I’ve been waiting a long time to experience. Thank you Billy Basso you made something extraordinary.

Arkham asylum but basically better in every way except no scarecrow :(