1390 reviews liked by GuyCalledAhmad

Another one that could've been better. I liked this one more tho.

short and simple
but running around as a gun wielding vigilante who kills makes it a little better than the harley quinn one

Finally, it's about time someone understood that just knocking out the threat doesn't eliminate it.

I don't doubt that I gave 1/2 star more just because I've played the fan remake that fixed the physics and some other things (also known as Somari 3D Blast 5), but even that fan remake couldn't save this game

I mean, props to the bootleggers for getting an... almost playable version of Sonic on the original Nintendo, but it seems that they were too preocupied trying to prove they could, instead of wondering if they should

Only played this for 30 seconds lol but it's responsible for one of my all-time favorite Scott the Woz jokes...


Probably my all-time favorite classic arcade game

Dig Dug was one of those arcade games I can’t resist playing if I am at an arcade. Like most of these classic arcade games I first played it on a plug and play in the early 2000s and immediately got hooked. For those of you who have never played basically this is kinda like a side scrolling maze arcade game where you play as a protagonist with a harpoon gun who digs tunnels into the ground and creates mazes. A fun and unique concept where the player creates the map essentially to eliminate the enemies. The enemies consist of Dragons and these monkey looking things called Pookas. The harpoon gun thing inflates the enemies into ballons, and they burst and the only other way to kill enemies is by strategically crushing them with rocks by dinging under them at the right time. The objective is to kill all of the enemies and the enemies usually become solid in tunnels but can also turn into ghosts and fly though the ground. The last few enemies usually try to escape the stage and whether they do or not the next stage is loaded. That’s basically the gameplay loop for DigDug its simple but feels very unique for its time compared to a lot of the other arcade games that existed. I believe this game is actually beatable and not infinite stages, but I’ve never seen most people get past the first 20 or so stages and I’m pretty sure there are a couple hundred so like most games from that time it gets really hard but out of a lot of the older arcades I actually can usually sweep through a decent number of stages. The music and FX of Dig Dug were always some of my favorite and graphically its nothing too incredible with the screen mostly just being dirt but its still a great classic game that’s pretty balanced and is all about strategically moving around the map and not getting yourself corned. I love old arcade games, but this is one I think I recommend the most because of its fun and unique nature.

Really fantastic atmosphere and character design. Though many of the games segments feel clunky and I don’t enjoy the ‘stop and go’ nature of them.

The Projectionist is my personal favorite character, his design is very well and feels evocative of Silent Hills famous Pyramid Head, his segment in chapter three was very stressful and exciting.

Brilliant concepts and an excellent soundtrack. Just doesn’t quite meet its incredible potential.