Listen, I don’t care if this game is too easy, or if it’s too long, or if it has too many walking missions, this game is one of my favorite games of all time.
Every single episode captures the essence of the music perfectly (revenge of the is some of the best shit I’ve played in a while), and being the biggest Star Wars fan, I got every reference and every meme. It was pure joy.
Also, this game combines Mario Odyssey (my favorite game of all time), and Star Wars (my favorite franchise of all time). What more could I ask for?!
The two best parts of this game are the boss battles and the planets. The boss fights are a fever dream and are so exhilirating. Seriously, I replay them on a daily basis.
And the planets are gorgeous. So much effort oozes from every single corner of the planets. They have so much effort and detail in them and the results are stunning. They are truly a joy to play.
If you are a star wars fan, then play this game RIGHT NOW. It is some of the funnest stuff I have ever played.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
