Lemme start off with the good. The art style is fantastic. It really captures the beauty of the ocean and does things with spritework that you'd only expect in fan videos. I also like Dave as a character. He's a people pleaser who has trouble saying no to others. I can get that.

As for the bad, the game outstays its welcome on more than one occasion. I understand that it's a roguelite, but I can't tell you how many times I died to bs, like a narwhal thrashing about or a fish that just rubbed up against me the wrong way. Very aggravating. Also by the end Dave feels the need to spoonfeed the player on exactly what to do? I've been playing your game for 30 hours, fucker. I get the gist by now.

Overall I can recommend it, I guess. It's dull, but I've been bored by worse.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
