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This is one of the most clever twists on fighting games I've played, and so far the only fighting-game-adjacent game I've gotten my smashie friends to actually give a chance to and enjoy.

It's a platform fighter like smash but the big gimmick is, instead of hitting each other, you hit a ball that is constantly moving in a line and reflects off the walls. Every time you hit the ball, it goes faster. There are various ways you can hit the ball: you can hit it, (adds a little speed) smash it (adds alot of speed), bunt it(stops it no matter its speed) and character's supers interact with the ball in many different ways. You can hit in different directions, you gotta consider how the opponent will react, how the ball will bounce off the walls, etc.

Get hit by the ball, receive damage. The faster the ball hits you, the more damage you take. If the ball goes fast enough, it's an OHKO.

It's such a simple but brilliant spin on the formula and extremely fun. Wrap that up in a Jet Set Radio/late 90s Shibuya punk aesthetic with a bangin' soundtrack and you've got a hell of a game.