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Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 27, 2021

Platforms Played


I really don't understand why this game was made in the first place. The average Arkham Fan probably isn't clamoring for a side scroller version of Batman in a series that has only done this type of movement in literal Scarecrow NIGHTMARE segments. The game is pretty bad, even as some random novelty in the series, it's super lame and I don't understand why this was ported to consoles and PC after being on the 3DS.

As far as positives go, I do think this game is... competent? There's a clear sign of effort here, with the inclusion of case files for some reason, and some parts of the story like Batman's early interactions with Catwoman are cool to see for this universe, but it's about as good as a "3DS Version of Batman Arkham Asylum" sounds. If you also want to Platinum or 100% Complete the game, you need to play it three times. THREE. TIMES. There aren't even any wacky modifiers or gimmicks, it's just the exact same game three different times but the last half hour or so changes depending on which main villain you defeat last.

You can also spam the Cape Stun to maintain a combo forever, and the Blackest Night suit makes you completely invulnerable to any damage. This game is garbage.