This game is insanely WACK, nothing really works as you would imagine. Inconsistent dodge roll, poor hit detection, weird world geometry lead to irritating fights and platforming. Many basic jumps require the absolute apex of your jump, which has you just barley missing the lip of a platform and falling. Grappling hooks disconnecting, letting go of nets randomly, and jump sponges having predetermined directional velocity regardless of your momentum which will fling you in the opposite way that you may want. Tons of enemies placed on small ass platforms with large knockback attacks. Enemies have an orbit that push you back when they move forward leading to some weird fights or just slipping off cliffs. Also Enemies will just hog the tops of ladders like their life depends on it leading to annoying deaths. Most levels/areas last way to long sometimes and hinge on mechanics that don't make the area cool or fun. Furthermore severe stuttering and lagging occurs when moving to new areas. The hammer attachment for your fork weapon is almost always worth having on but it is nearly impossible to simply attach a new piece of junk to your fork mid combat. Not being able to do multiple heavy attacks back to back and having a lack of combos or flow between light and heavy attacks dulls combat. Lock on is almost useless when there are several enemies as you will always attack the closest dude rather than the one you are lock on too even if that are behind you. Bosses are really easy, expect for when the spam one shot attacks.

overall this game is a huge pain in the ass in all the wrong ways but some how I still liked and appreciated it enough to 100% it. The world was detailed and imaginative with silly cute humor (even tho it was mostly all references). It's clear the devs really cared, I hope for the best in their next project. it's overall a very soft recommendation for souls like fans.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
