I don't care what anyone says about this game - playing RE5 is a damn good time.

It's cheesy, hilarious, not scary in the slightest, doesn't feel like Resident Evil at all, but somehow, someway, it doesn't matter. You play this game cooperatively with a friend or family member, and you'll have a blast. I mean, it is essentially RE4 co-op. What's not to love?

OK, I get it... I've never played this game solo (and I never will), so I don't know what that single player experience is like at all. I'm sure it is frustrating relying upon an AI partner, and not nearly as fun...so my advice is don't play it solo!

Instead, grab a friend, kick back a few brewskis, punch a couple boulders, and have a great time!

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
