Where the actual fuck is a remastered console release for this Square-Enix!? Jesus Christ... how long has it been!?

To put it bluntly, this is one of the greatest games of all time, relegated to an extinct, dead portable device... and it doesn't quite run all that well on said device either! Slowdown and lag are introduced when casting spells or using abilities, and the sound effects sound terrible in comparison to the original.

I LOVE the much-improved script in this one though! No more "Geronimo!" found here - instead the script is written and presented in such an elegant, flowery, quasi-Shakespearian way. I just love the old English dialogue, and have even "nerded" out before, by just reading the entire script online... I mean, look at these two lines as an example!

---- "You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"

---- "All such tales of gods and their miracles are false. Those who would lead prefer that history suit their needs, and rewrite it to see that it does. And why shouldn't they? The fault lies not with them. The reeking masses yearn for gods and miracles. It is their opiate, and they consume it greedily. The people do not endeavor towards greatness, but rather mire themselves in their petty strifes - shackles on the feet of man. Their leaders give them no more than that for which they clamor. It is history's oldest and most oft-repeated tale. Do men exploit this weakness to dominate their fellows? Mayhap they do. But they succeed only because the people are eager to know such dominion. Gods are only illusions born of man's fear. It is they who see this charade for what it is and join in the pageantry who are to blame."

Tis beautiful, and could bring a tear to one's eye... the localization team really did excellent work here.

I hope that Square eventually pulls their head out of their ass when it comes to Tactics... I hated those stupid as shit Tactics Advance games. Throw those in the damn garbage bin, and let's get this masterpiece on PS5 soon dammit!

See my FF Tactics PS1 review for more thoughts on the game itself.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
