"In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill."

Once upon a time, I considered this to be the best survival horror game of all time. And upon further reflection... it still is up there for me, even after damn near 20+ years!

First things first... this is a game you play that you aren't necessarily going to have "fun" with. This is a very dark, depressing, psychological horror game that touches upon many horrific subjects. Also, its base gameplay is pretty terrible, if I'm being completely honest, but it makes up for it with a great setting, exploration, world building, lore, creature/enemy design (Pyramid Head is iconic and is truly a nightmare made manifest) and puzzles.

Between the two iconic, survival-horror titans, Resident Evil and Silent Hill, I always considered SH to be superior in its approach to horror, while Resident Evil was the more "fun" game to play. Some could claim, as I do, that is the point though... James Sunderland isn't a S.T.A.R.S. member or some badass who can handle himself... and with him being woefully unprepared for the horrors of Silent Hill, it elevates the terror of playing even further.

The atmosphere is dark, haunting and as oppressive as its bleak, foggy landscape... its music, as infrequently as it plays, fits the tone perfectly as well. I recommend playing in small chunks at night - lights off, headphones on, etc. (as I do with ALL survival horror games).

Promise (Reprise) - may possibly be my favorite song from a survival horror game.

When I played this for the first time, I got the "In Water" ending. The trauma still hasn't left me...

Even if you don't consider yourself a fan of the horror genre, this is a must-play title. This is in my top 25 games of all time.

Reviewed on Jul 30, 2023
