Had an unsettling moment or two but was over all just a waste of time.

One of the better assassins creed game, pretty fun but also falls into the same traps most Ubisoft games do. At least it got me into sea shanties!

It's minceraft, there's nothing here that I can say that hasn't been said a hundred times over.

Not too much to say with this one, it was pretty fun.

I'm in love with the aesthetic and the game was one of the best rouge-likes I've played, all though a little too easy for my taste (up until the Aries fight).

Sadly had to abandon the game when I got to the Aries fight, the mechanic with the token of violence was infuriating and made me leave the game. It's just a gamble of shitty rng, spent about 20 runs trying to fight Aries and I never even got to fight him as I only got the token of violence on three of those runs (And I died on all of them as I spent almost all my hearts trying to get the token). Maybe I'm just unlucky but I had to drop the game when I got to that point.

I find it hard to believe people found this scary.

This is a game that I should hate. It's humor is just lazy "offensive" jokes that never lands. Its buggy and scuffed to hell. And looks like someone threw up on a 3d modeling program. But by god do I love playing this game and indulging in its dumb fun. As the postal dude himself said,

"This can't be good for me, but I feel great!"

I loved it as a kid, though I have a hard time enjoying it now. Despite what the core mechanic of the game being built around creativity, it feels very limited and repetitive.


THIS is what horror gaming needs! Not a shooty game thinly veiled with horror aspects or janky pile of jumpscares. This is what true horror looks like! We need more like this.

Short and sweet. Not bad, just not a lot to it.

If you know anything about this game than you know why I scored it so low.

Beautiful and engaging. The story is great and the characters are amazing (Even if there is only like two and a half). The core message of the game is strong and important.

People who hated the ending didn't get the point of the game.

It has the same production quality as until dawn, just with shittier everything else.

Pretty fun, though not very great horror wise.