The first month playing this game was probably the best video game experience I've ever had. Not rating this perfect as EFT is notorious for having constant updates that break fundamental parts of the game and while it may be in beta, it's still rough around the edges. After hundreds of hours it's beginning to be more frustrating than riveting and fun but I'll still always come back to this game.

It's near impossible to pick a best SMT game but IV checks all the right boxes for me. The sprites in this game also look fantastic, the most unique and best depiction of SMT demons to date. The Lucifer design goes so hard

Not for everyone but my personal favorite game. One of the best blends of comedy and tragedy in media period.

Skull Kid should tell us what the point of the mask is...

I don't think it'd be controversial to call this the best written game of all time. It's a masterpiece. Egg Head is my spirit animal