Surprisingly fun. The bump system works really really well. And the soundtrack is incredible. I don't normally like fantasy RPGish games at all but this is a complete exception.


Feels surprisingly similar to Distraint despite the lack of text. The puzzles aren't too hard but they're not horribly easy, they're definitely fun though. Overall it's a really good game.

Perhaps its my fault for not getting full points the first time, but replaying levels to unlock future sets is incredibly unfun here.

The worst game I have ever played. Terrible design. How the heck would anyone find it fun to slowly cross a wide farm while avoiding slipping into the abyss and getting a game over? Terrible. Why does Garfield make a meow noise? That's just disturbing. Such a bad game. The writing is pretty bad too.

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Amazing atmosphere. I don't know Myst-likes but surely this has to be one of the best

Probably the best looking game I've ever played.


Absolutely beautiful art style, looks amazing throughout. Fun too. But the writing's kind of cring cring e cring cring e.

Excellent gameplay mechanics held back by a slightly too convoluted final level and prohibitive difficulty


What the hell?! I'm so scared.

Probably the best FPS combat I've experienced. Levels look great, though they don't play as nicely as the Doom-like key hunting system (they're very open, leading to a certain unique feeling, but they might be a bit too open).

Much higher highs and lower lows than Four Last Things. Unfortunately the lows put it a bit lower than FLT imo, but it's still a great game in the same spirit.

Really nails the Scooby Doo feeling, and there are some nice puzzles, but there are also some horrible puzzles. And there's very little text for incorrect attempts at actions, so no hints there.

Some of the greatest platforming in anything.

It's fun, but the controls aren't very precise. Probably better to play back before there were so many other options.